John 3:21

John 3:21
"It is the nature of all hypocrites and false prophets to create a conscience where there is none, and to cause conscience to disappear where it does exist." Martin Luther

Monday, April 19, 2010

Not gone yet!

I was fully intending on letting this blog stagnate as it served its purpose but now after I received another "Anonymous" post from one of the "Saving Faith" stating how much this blog irked them
 "Glad that this hateful, damaging blog site is now gone. May it rest in peace! Its emphasis on angered, emotional opinion rather than God's grace and Christian love, was the prime reason I chose to turn in my request for transfer today." 
And since during the opening pre-vote statements, one of the members of "Saving Faith"let it slip that the ELCA and our late Bish Gary W had organized "Saving Faith" , I decided to keep it active to see if we need to shed more light on things...

And to be fair, this is the rest of the "Anonymous" posting " wish Faith well in rebuilding and growing the congregation, and hope you will heed Pastor John Nelson's thoughtful suggestion that Pastor Gehrke be given a long sabbatical, offering time for recovery from the stresses of the past months. "


Anonymous said...

It goes beyond "graciously organizing Saving Faith." I learned yesterday that the Bishop also funded SF. He has also funded similar groups at at least two other ELCA churches seeking to leave the synond. I wonder if the average ELCA member would be pleased to know that their offerings are being used in this way, given the synod's weakening financial position?

Diane said...

More misinformation about the Saving Faith worshipping community. Can't you just leave us alone? We're gone now. We realize that there are those that feel we are non-Christian - and we've been told more than once that we're going to Hell. Each to his own opinion, but you are totalling misinformed about financial support for the group. We have been totally financially independent. We haven't needed finances from the Synod, Trinity, or any other organization. Much information has been shared on this blog and other sources that has been untrue.The decision has been made. We're going our separate ways. Let's let it lie with this and go forward from here.

Anonymous said...

I believed the information to be correct, but if it is not, I retract the statement and apologize. I agree that there has been way too much "over the top" chatter and that it's time to calm down and move on. Best wishes to you, Diane, and to everyone with Saving Faith. May you find peace in our Lord and Savior. Please remember that everyone is welcome to return should they wish to.

Former NILSynod-ite said...

RE: "And the fact that we now know that our late Bish Gary W had organized "Saving Faith" as one of the more outspoken ELCA supporters let it slip in front of the entire congregation ...."

@ oneno: Just for the record: Where and when did this slip take place?
@Bruce: Which other ELCA Churches?

oneno said...

This was during the pre-vote discussion. One of the elcadvocates made the statement. If you were there, you heard it with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I don't know everyone in the saving faith group but those that I do know are people I truly care about. I pray that you all know the "majority" of us at Faith would love to see you back. I also pray that if you don't return you all continue to actively worship and maintain a close relationship with our Lord and Savior. God's Peace

Former NIL Synod-ite said...

@oneno -- No, I wasn't at the meeting, but thanks for letting me know when it was said. This former NILSynod person is no longer on the territory and is grateful for this blog. You all are an encouragement to the rest of us.

Former NILSynod-ite said...

Speaking of the N-IL Synod -- what's happening at Synod Council re approving votes of former LCA congregations and ELCA mission starts, if any, that have voted to leave?

oneno said...

Sorry Former NILSynod-ite , Since we no longer have any ties to the ELCA, I no longer care what they are up to. In regards to the vote you are referring to. Knowing the ELCA, the outcome would be nothing less than self serving to them and them alone with no concern to Christ.