John 3:21

John 3:21
"It is the nature of all hypocrites and false prophets to create a conscience where there is none, and to cause conscience to disappear where it does exist." Martin Luther

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Just don't fit in

It looks like those who have chose to follow the New Wave ELCA rather than scripture have been set up with accommodations at Trinity Lutheran Church by the request of the NI Synod Bishop. They are to be left alone and don't worship with the rest of the members in the sanctuary . Wonder why? How long will this last?


Anonymous said...

This is a positive development.

I heard that 20 walked out during Pastor's sermon at the 8:00 service last week. Was it when he talked about the truth of the virgin birth? He was preaching the Gospel.

oneno said...

Yes this is what he was preaching at the time. They were taking notes prior to the walk out. You can bet that by his preaching directly from the Bible upset those ELCA advocates in attendance and reassuringly the ELCA. The world is their gospel.